First Returns due under Regulation of Lobbying Act 2015

Persons lobbying required to register and to submit returns of lobbying activities for period 1 September – 31 December 2015

Thursday 21 January 2016: Today marks an important milestone for Ireland’s new Register of Lobbying – the first reporting deadline for those lobbying designated public officials.

On 1 September 2015, the Regulation of Lobbying Act 2015 commenced, and with it, the requirement for those who lobby designated public officials to register and report on their lobbying activities every four months.  Today is the first deadline for those who undertook any lobbying during the period of 1 September – 31 December 2015.  Information submitted to the Register is available for public inspection at

In the lead-up to this first deadline, the Standards in Public Office Commission has engaged in extensive outreach to ensure that anyone who may be lobbying is aware of their obligations under the Act, making dozens of presentations and speeches to stakeholder groups, publishing a range of information materials, and undertaking a national advertising campaign to provoke discussion of what is considered as lobbying.

Ireland’s first Head of Lobbying Regulation, Ms Sherry Perreault, said “I am very pleased by the positive response to date. Hundreds of organisations and individuals have registered well in advance of the deadline, and a significant number of returns have already been submitted.  We expect those numbers to continue to grow by January 21. This is the first deadline for returns and it marks a significant milestone for the Register. We expect the Register of Lobbying to become a cornerstone of transparency in Irish public life.”

The Register is overseen by the Standards in Public Office Commission, and may be viewed at  The website, which includes the online register, also has a suite of information tools designed to help lobbyists, designated public officials and the public to fully understand the Act and its obligations.


For further information please contact:

Lobbying Regulation Unit
Standards in Public Office Commission
6 Earlsfort Terrace,
Dublin 2

Tel: 01 639 5722
Twitter: @LobbyingIE