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Stayin' Alive at 1.5 (safe cycling Ireland)
Current or Former Designated Public Official(s)
Mass communications
Lobbying activity
The following activities occurred for this specific Subject Matter Area.
Email (2-5)
Specific emails sent to previous transport ministers, Leo Varadkar and Paschal Donohoe
Meeting (1)
Meeting last year in Dáil with then Transport minister, Paschal Donohoe which was facilitated by TDs Regina Doherty and Ciaran Cannon.
Email (100+)
Through our social media page of www.facebook.com/stayinaliveat1.5 and our website of www.safecyclingireland.org, we link a suggested email to forward to the transport ministe.
Social Media (100+)
We regularly tag relevant ministers in social media posts on MPDL and outcomes overseas.
Designated public officials lobbied
The following DPOs were lobbied during this return period on this specific Subject Matter Area. These DPOs were involved in at least one of the Lobbying Activities listed above, but not necessarily all of them.
As returns are specific to a Subject Matter Area the above Lobbying Activities may be associated with multiple returns.